Living Faith Blog
Morning Routines
By Pastor Kristin Wenck My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up. Psalm 5:3 Cause me to hear…
Trust in the Lord
By Pastor Kristin Wenck Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.Seek his will in all…
Trust in the Lord
By Pastor Kristin Wenck Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.Seek his will in all…

In Loving Memory: Pastor Jeanne Miller
By Pastor Kristin Wenck Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15 Pastor Jeanne left earth for heaven from…
When The Devil Attacks
By Pastor Kristin Wenck Tragedies of every kind are multiplying around us. Violent storms, wildfires, killings are becoming commonplace. These are all signs…
When The Devil Attacks
Pastor Kristin Wenck Tragedies of every kind are multiplying around us. Violent storms, wildfires, killings are becoming commonplace. These are all signs of…
Your Spiritual DNA
By Pastor Kristin Wenck Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things…
Your Spiritual DNA
By Pastor Kristin Wenck [Category Living Faith Blog] Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed…
Words Are Creative, So . . . .
By Pastor Kristin Wenck Once upon a time, in the city of Gaithersburg, MD, there was a junior high school girl who loved…
What are you creating today?
By Pastor Kristin Wenck Artwork? Quilts? Music? Videos? Coffee? Meals? Gifts? Or none of the above? Whether you pursue hobbies or not, you…
Mother’s Day
By Pastor Kristin Wenck “As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly…
Thoughts about Job (Part 3)
A truth that we can learn from Job is that everything people say about God, even in the Bible, may not always be…

Thoughts About Job (Part 2)
We are looking into the sovereignty of God as it applied to Job and you can also expect that it applies to you….

Thoughts about Job (Part 1)
Job is a great book of the Bible. Many claim that it is the oldest book in the Bible. There is evidence that…

Test (Part 4)
We’ve been answering the question “does God test us”? Yes, He does test us but not in the ways that some people have…

Test (Part 3)
We want to answer the question, “does God test us?” Yes He does test believers but not in the ways that so…

Test (Part 2)
We are continuing our study on answering the question— does God test us? As I wrote before, I believe the answer is “Yes”,…

Test (Part 1)
School is back for many students and we all know that if there is learning then there will be testing. One simple fact…
Everything in August
August is a unique month because it is a major transitional month. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of fall…
To all the 2014 graduates- CONGRATULATIONS! It’s exciting when June comes around because so many people graduate and it is also the beginning…
May Flowers
“April showers bring May flowers” has been said by folks longer than I’ve been alive. Yet it still rings true today. It is…
April Showers
We are about to experience some very unusual things in the earth and they are marked by signs in the heavens – on…
March On
In March, old man winter can either go out with a roar like a lion or go like a lamb. I presume that…
Together Again!
Together Again! In February we have two exciting days this month. They are always associated with people getting together: 1) Super Bowl parties…
Fast Fast-Track
As many of our members know, we as a congregation participate in a church-wide fast for 21 consecutive days in January. As you…
Blessings In The New Year
Pastor Jeanne Miller It’s time for New Year’s resolutions to be touted on the talk shows and in the media. I don’t know…
The Father’s Love
When I was a young child I always believed I was my father’s favorite child. I am the third child in a family of six children. I just knew I had a special relationship that no one else in the family had with my dad. He loved me and I knew it. I knew that no matter what I did, whether he agreed with me or not, I still had his total, unconditional love.
Heart Motives Matter
Pastor Jeanne Miller More and more there seems to be creeping into the church an affinity for going after the things of the…
What Gift Will You Give This Year?
Pastor Kristin Wenck A great deal of our joy and frustration at Christmas centers around gift-giving. Joy at finding the perfect gift, frustration over…
In The Eye of the Storm
Pastor Jeanne Miller Back in the 1950’s I remember being in a hurricane that passed over my house. At that time, we had…
Spring, The Time of New Beginnings
by Pastor Jeanne Miller Spring is a beautiful time of the year. I think of cherry blossoms, daffodils, tulips, and leaves on trees….
From Nazareth to Bethlehem
Pastor Robert Miller There have been two defining occasions in my life as a believer. The first came in 1977 when, as a…
Back to School
Pastor Jeanne Miller Every September brings the sound of school buses on the roads and children back at bus stops or walking along…
Attaining the Prize
By Pastor Jeanne Miller In I Corinthians 9:24-27 (Amp) we read, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete,…
Reaping the Harvest
This mind set exists in the church today. Many of us are not recognizing the signs of the times. We need to take Jesus’ advice and look again. He wants the church to realize that the time has come to reap the harvest and not wait any longer. The end of the age draws close and Jesus is coming back
Characteristics of a Godly Father
by Pastor Robert Miller Fathering is a skill that is much needed in families today. Because of poor or absent role models, many…